Community Update

As we are about to begin the first shabbat after the most difficult and frightening week that I can remember, I wanted to share a few thoughts and ideas, to help us find some rest this Shabbat. But firstly, I wanted to send our condolences to those in our community who have lost family members, and/or are still waiting to hear about loved ones. We hold you in our hearts and in our prayers.

We are also thinking about all those who have family who are sheltering and are anxiously waiting to see what the next days will bring.  And we are praying for the safety of all those who are suffering. May we remember the humanity on both sides of the conflict. May we continue to believe in and work towards peace despite everything.

Now more than ever it is important that we look after ourselves and our mental health, to keep to our daily routines, but also to keep connected with friends and loved ones. It is also important to curb our intake of news and social media, and give ourselves some rest from being online.

Below is some advice from JAMI, the Jewish mental health charity, for all of us, as well as for those who live with ill mental health. They are reminding us to reach out to others and do something nourishing for ourselves at least once a day. I seem to end up reading heartwarming novels about gardening, making friendships and lots and lots of cake. It's a respite and reminder of better days. What nourishes you? 

As a community we have been contacted by the Council and Catherine West MP, and other friends of the community, to show their support, and remind us of their care and presence. It makes a big difference to know the support we are being shown. Please also see the message from CST below.

If you or a family member or a child/teen is struggling or you just want to talk, please let Rabbi Sandra know.

Many have contacted us wanting to know what to do, how they can help. Please do keep donating. Here are a few suggestions:
New Israel Fund – Support NIF’s Crisis Appeal

If there is something you’d like us to do, a space you are missing, or a suggestion to help the community, please let the committee know.

From JAMI - the Jewish Mental Health charity

“We would urge you all to continue everyday life as best as you possibly can. Sometimes there is a temptation to self-isolate or stop doing what we usually do as we become more anxious due to world events. We understand that these events have a profound impact on the community’s sense of safety and that we fear antisemitism as a result. We know that our colleagues in the CST are working closely with the police to ensure our safety.

Our synagogues are stepping up security, our schools are vigilant, and we are all being mindful of looking after each other.

It is really important that we continue to stay connected as this will help us feel more confident as individuals and as a community. Simple actions can help us in these difficult times, such as ensuring we keep talking to our family, friends, communities and groups or clubs we attend, as well as continuing with exercise and other self-care we would usually do. It is the simple everyday stuff that keeps us grounded. 

We run regular groups at our Head Room café that are free and open to everyone in the community. If you would like to see what opportunities for connection we offer, please take a look at our programme.

Formal counselling is not recommended as an immediate response to critical events of this nature. Rather a light touch human response of reassurance is what we seek. Counselling may help us further down the line if we persistently experience feelings of sadness that we cannot manage alone or alleviate with our usual self-care. We will keep in touch during these difficult times and share opportunities for connection and support”.

Looking out for each other - Jami UK



Closing the Door


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner